A Busy 2012

Selected Works & Artist talks in Perugia (July 2012)
Guest Lecture at Burren College of Art (March 2012)

'Utopia' - contribution to this beautiful publication by Actes Sud

'Foreign Eyes on Fryslan' exhibited at the Natural History Museum, Leeuwarden (August 2012) 

 'Utopia' exhibited at Les Rencontres d'Aarles (July - August 2012)

Shortlist for Irish Contemporary Award SHOWCASE in The Gallery of Photography (December 2012 - Jan 2013)

'Midlands' Featured in the publication 'Photography & Ireland' by Justin Carville, Reaktions Press

'The Photo Course' featured in Source Magazine (Issue 72)

Selected for FORMAT Festival 2013

Articles & Mentions: 

A mention of Utopia on Italian Magazine IO DONNA:

A Piece about Reflexions exhibition in La Journal De La Photographie:

Article about SHOWCASE in Irish Arts Review: http://www.irishartsreview.com/index.php/articles/326-showcase-select-at-the-gallery-of-photography

'The Photo Course' on ACMV:

'A Fading Landscape' on FEATURESHOOT:

'A Fading Landscape' on ARGON:

A short piece on SURFACE SURFACE blog: